Vertical Eco Systems
No one completes the eco system like we do.

Renewable Energy

Besides providing miscellaneous solar power solutions for private clients and residential buildings. Eco Power also helps commercial business in switching to solar. If you’re an owner or a manager of a small, medium or a big business or a separate office building, then we’ll be glad to advise you on this matter. It’s important to remember, that switching high-consumption offices to solar takes more time in both preparation and technical equipment manufacturing and installing.

AI/ML/DL driven Crypto Verification System

Flash Fortune has developed a universal crypto verification system that can verify various algorithm and transactions in block chain network at scale. We use Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Deep Learning to determine the verification of specific coins in the network. Being part of efficient, and relevant mining pools. Using efficient systems that use less power and generate higher hash rate to the pools. 

Vertical Farming reusing the heat from the Mining Process

We reuse the heat generated in the Crypto verification Process and redirect it to the Vertical Farming. Here crops are grown on top of each other rather than on traditional horizontal farms. We optimize space, water, quality, energy, foot print, time, and yield. This solves the problem of the future generation now.

E-Grocery and Packed Fresh Food Farm to Table in 2 Hours

Vertical farming and packaged food enable the Farm to Table within 2 hours. We designed our systems to produce the best and fast-moving crops that are on the kitchen table in almost every household and then maintain the nutrient value to the highest possible manner and uphold the environmental concern by providing pesticide-free in most cases hands-free harvesting, cooking, packaging, etc.

Line of Sight / Last Yard Delivery

Building cloud kitchen really in the cloud, and drone hub at an elevated zone to get a line of sight and speed of delivery that uses less time to upload and low energy and higher sorties. Plus we have last yard delivery where we cook or bring the food to the closest point to the customer and then deliver the food via a drone.